What is business coaching and how does it differ?

What is business coaching and how does it differ?

Last week I peeled back the curtain a bit on coaching, so this week let’s take a look at business coaching. What is it, why would someone want it, how does it differ from generic coaching, if at all? Perhaps unsurprisingly business coaching uses the same core...
What is coaching, anyway?

What is coaching, anyway?

What is coaching, anyway? You’ve heard about it, you know people who have a coach, but your concept of it (at least professional coaching) is likely relatively vague. I know mine was. I believe Andrew Neitlich (the founder of the executive & business coaching...
Peace of mind through savings

Peace of mind through savings

A few weeks back I wrote about what might give you anxiety even if your business is successful. Not knowing or fully understanding what’s driving your success is definitely one option. Another is the lack of preparation for the unforeseen challenges that might arise....
Do you care about your people? Do you really?

Do you care about your people? Do you really?

This year has seen a ton of layoffs and I wanted to take a break from talking about business anxiety to talk about values and culture. Maybe it’s just in my sphere, but I’m seeing more and more companies talking about how they’re people focused. About how they want...
It’s okay not to know if you’re willing to learn

It’s okay not to know if you’re willing to learn

What you don’t know can really put a hitch in your giddy up. Over the last couple weeks we’ve been talking about this, and now that I’m here I find that there’s a lot to say. We talked about products and the finances behind them, and some of you might have felt seen....
Your success is limited by what you don’t know

Your success is limited by what you don’t know

What if your success is being limited by what you don’t know? This is something that plagues large and small businesses alike. Successful businesses! I would wager that one of the many things that separates successful businesses from wildly successful businesses is...
Anxiety in the throes of success

Anxiety in the throes of success

Do you always feel like your successful business could come crashing down around you at any given moment? This was a topic I came across on the r/smallbusiness subreddit the other day and what struck me was how many people jumped in to say “Oh totally, I feel like...
Celebrations, Challenges, and Hope

Celebrations, Challenges, and Hope

Every few weeks or so I like to pause and reflect on what’s been coming up recently, for my clients and for myself. What’s worth celebrating? What boulder is being pushed up the hill? Where are we finding hope? Celebrations are really important. My wife introduced me...